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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Letter to the European Parlament

Next 5th of May the European Parliment will be voting to decide if they would give the Internet Providers the power to limit the number and type of pages you can see or the services you can use over the Internet. They call it "New options for the consumer matching his necessities", but it is just a new law in order to control the flow of music, films and other entretainment and cultural stuff. In summary: Just another try to privatize the Internet

Hacktivistas, Jedis knights fighting for the freedom of the universe have made this form in order to help us send the Eurpean Parliment our thoughts about the privatization of the Internet...

...More than 300.000 mails has been already sent! Don't be the last one!

Fill in the following form

Filling in the following form you can send a message to the 876 members for the Eruopean Parliment related to the Open Letter to the European Parliment. Write them what you think is right, but try to be respectufl, only this way our requests would be listened.


Privacy Policy

xmailer copyleft Isaac Hacksimov 2009, license GPLv3, powered by Hacktivistas.net

"You can't win, Darth.
If you strike me down,
I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."

Obi Wan Kenobi

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The picture of the Dark Side of the Source

The main and more powerful OS until now from the Dark Side of the Source (Windows XP) comes with a picture that has become pretty famous for being its default wallpaper. It is a picture called "Bliss" taken by Charles O'Rear at the Napa Valley, east of Sonoma Valley, county of Napa (Californa, United States). Charles O'Rear is a photographer from USA, he has worked for the National Geographic for more than 25 years. In year 2000, Microsoft bought this picture, paying 200 million dollars for it.

But things are usually quite different in those Napa Valley Hills, actually that wavy green hill is covered with a bunch of vines. Between 1990 and 1995 the vines from Napa Valley got infected by a plague called Phylloxera, which forced people to remove a 30% of the vines growing instead the nice green grass showed in the famous picture.
O'Rear took that picture while he was driving down the 12/121 road just stopping by on one of the sides of it. So, let's see how it looks right now:

"Faith in your new apprentice, misplaced may be.
As is your faith in the dark side of the Force."
Master Yoda

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Swedish are loosing thier privacy...

[Update: Apr, 08, 2009] "After this law was enforced, interent P2P traffic has dropped down to a 50% in Swedish networks following the information provided by netnod. This company manages the main P2P exchange web pages (Luleå, Sundsvall, Stockholm, Gothenburg y Malmö). But there's still hope since many of the main networks only comunicate between them and are not included in these statistics."

The Swedish government has twisted by the dark side. They have come up with a law that allow the courts to ask for a user's information who is behind an IP address that has shared copyrighted stuff.

Yesterday, April's 01st 2009, Sweden, in an effort to end with the files sharing that is taking place over the Internet, has enforced the new law against the "piracy". So, now the owner of the rights of a song would be able to make the Internet Server Provider facilitate the personal data of an IP, that have been sharing files.

But on our side, there is still hope, Jedis from the council are fighting against these unfairness. For instance, Jedi Hackers from The Pirate Bay, the famous sued P2P portal, have released IPREDator, an anonymous surfing tool that will help us against to protect our privacy. Also, Rick Falkvinge, leader of the pirate party has asked all citizens to open their WiFis in order to make this law useless, so Internet will remain anonymous and open forever...

"The fear of loss is a path to the Dark Side."
Master Yoda
The power of the source

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